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Wednesday 20 May 2015

Good Morning Everyone.  How are you all Today?

My Avon Blog for Today is all about Summer

I am sure by now everybody is thinking about Holidays, and with these in mind, its time to think about ourselves and looking after our skin in the sun, amongst other important factors.

Protecting our Skin in Warmer Weather will most certainly keep it healthy looking, and free from those harmful rays.

All my products on my Blog can be purchased online directly through my brochure on my website.


All our products are for varying skin types, and if you are unsure, I would be more than happy to help to find the right product for you.  Just comment at the bottom of this page.

There are lots of fabulous offers for Summer in the Avon Skin Care Ranges, so it's a good time to stock up.

Have a good day, and enjoy this Blog, and ask if unsure about anything. :)

Thank You.